Yes, I do love making up titles and yes..I am not saying its the best!Before I say anything else,its not geometry I am talking about(Those who were looking for the geometry party-sorry and others who were not,you can heave a sigh)!! Anyways,lately I have 'extremes' experience lately. From having the most sweet to the very hot food and people trusting me and not trusting me. So where latter part put me to? Trustful or Not trustful? This wasn't a question that doesn't cross my mind much. Yesterday, a few chats with my virtual(real in some part of the world) friends filed and clipped me into two extreme categories. Trustful and not trustful. Does that make me a person with two extremes? Can normal people have this? Would that make me a giga,mega or whatever person(Don't look, I like virtual terms too)? Lets face it, we all want to be different and unique from others. Personally and not-so-secret, I enjoy that I possess these. But when you socialize, this can be a problem. I want to be trustworthy. But if some pieces starts doubting me? It doesn't sound good. I am stubborn enough not to change who I am for few people. Well lets say lets not be greedy to have everyone trust you. Be who you are and not be greedy. See right there, I can ask questions and answer to that too? Wooo, I can take up career as a Critic! (For critics-no hard feelings and yes I am not weirdo,gee)! :P
And I am not making you guys look stupid or idiot by putting an image of a line. I find it- Why not a image of line then?Make the whole thing seem a bit of serious! :D
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