Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Things Dont Just Happen For You

Things with me are true to this title. Some things have twisted their ways and parted away from me. I wanted to be in one college and ended up in another, which I no longer regret it about. There, I like to believe it happened for 'greater good'. How much I try to wade away the sacred feelings of mine, its creeps back. I wanted to be a writer, there I have said it, I realized with the credit of reading few books and knowing few words dont make you one, Sylvia taught me, her writings taught me. I dont intend to be a motivational speaker or a writer here cause I dont have things to flaunt on. But then times are different..very apart! So lets all embrace the age and time and makes things happen for us even though it can be selfish. Not too bad being a selfish, rather than living in a wonderful imagination in our head.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Growing Up

This is one of my poems which got printed on School magazine. This one dear to me, cause it won me prize.

When I was little,
I wanted to ride a carousel.
My Joy knew no bounds
When I finally get to ride one.

But it soon lost its luster
As grew up, I got entangled
In space and wanted to be a rocket driver
But that too glided away like a shadow.

My mind skipped like a hare
not resting down a bit.
I got more and more
Ambitious as the seasons swept by.

I worshipped Alexander in my mind
as he spread courage through my veins
I fed on it like a scavenger and
made me braver,stronger.

I arrowed my aim
Of getting to the peak
Like an archer set his eye
on the tough bull's eye.

The path was a dark tunnel
And it lashed me to extremes
But that didn't back me
Down,as I was ambitious.

Finally I conquered
the aim I was set on
With pride in my mind
I found exit through the dark tunnel..

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Two Extremes In A Line

Yes, I do love making up titles and yes..I am not saying its the best!Before I say anything else,its not geometry I am talking about(Those who were looking for the geometry party-sorry and others who were not,you can heave a sigh)!! Anyways,lately I have 'extremes' experience lately. From having the most sweet to the very hot food and people trusting me and not trusting me. So where latter part put me to? Trustful or Not trustful? This wasn't a question that doesn't cross my mind much. Yesterday, a few chats with my virtual(real in some part of the world) friends filed and clipped me into two extreme categories. Trustful and not trustful. Does that make me a person with two extremes? Can normal people have this? Would that make me a giga,mega or whatever person(Don't look, I like virtual terms too)? Lets face it, we all want to be different and unique from others. Personally and not-so-secret, I enjoy that I possess these. But when you socialize, this can be a problem. I want to be trustworthy. But if some pieces starts doubting me? It doesn't sound good. I am stubborn enough not to change who I am for few people. Well lets say lets not be greedy to have everyone trust you. Be who you are and not be greedy. See right there, I can ask questions and answer to that too? Wooo, I can take up career as a Critic! (For critics-no hard feelings and yes I am not weirdo,gee)! :P
And I am not making you guys look stupid or idiot by putting an image of a line. I find it- Why not a image of line then?Make the whole thing seem a bit of serious! :D

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pots, Earth And Green

I must say my inspiration for nurturing green 'rooted' from my mother, mother's brother-in-law, her sister and their daughter. As like many other people, I occasionally found beauty in green. Many for instance students get in touch with plants through books as we have got 'Environmental Education' in school. This particular period has been 'relief' to us...as we worn out studying other subjects. Even the teachers finds it 'unnecessary' to teach! There are exams on it!
Now people, isn't it hilarious when you think twisted..that you destroy trees (paper is made from green) to write presumably something on saving it! Call it Irony! I remember having Eco club at school, you have 'meetings'...children run off their to bunk classes. Do you know what happens on these 'meetings'?? Well you talk..some...mind you 2-3 people would be talking on environment..I must say those people are dragged by teachers..to make sound these 'meetings' reasonable! Others would be happily gossiping and commenting and trust me,nobody listens. These people who talks..well they speak what they have been taught from 1st to 8th grade about environment? Tell me who would listen to that crap? Why I know this? I have been in those meetings!! There once I had to sing 'Heal the world' by MJ! Don't ask me why? I think it somehow related to earth. People should realise its not just about it. Tsk tsk, When they're going to learn? But still, I know hell lottah school who is really determined about this, they mainly do agriculture and they harvest! And this reminds me of the jail here..who also does this and harvested quite a lot of veggies mainly cauliflower.
So the world not yet understood what's awaiting us, 2012 like movies..are still entertainer for mere 2 hours!! As the saying goes..small drops makes ocean! I took up gardening...it can be very small or even microscopic, I'm glad am doing something!
So on to what I do..I love flowers...so I do mainly grow flowers and mother loves foliage so that too! After some time, you feel those are you children...motherly feelings is not always stemming from 10 months, uterus and breastfeeding..but I must say I do feel those feelings to those plants..If it seems weird to you..trust me when you indulge yourself in it and you would be sharing my feelings soon enough! When you water those plants and the water drops gleams on the green skin. That's bliss!
So please grab your shovel and gloves and dig the earth and plant some plants or you could use the pots to plant!
Some may find a 'homo' writings in it....trust me I am complete straight and may have exaggerated a bit about the feelings..but bottom line is green can make you happy!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Legend

A poem I scribbled...

The struggle was over,

men were beheaded,

women were thrashed,

children were orphaned.

Land was red and barren,

darkness loomed over the sky.

Life is chained by spikes,

shredding the lifeless bodies.

Not a soul dared to speak,

not even the ghoul or the troll,

silenced by the shameless fear,

who was laughing hysterically.

Time struck but melting,

everything went deadlock.

All prayed for a hero to emerge,

to slaughter the villainy.

He emerged from the ashes like phoenix,

spread out his majestic wings,

flying towards the zenith,

to conquer down the decayed.

He looked straight into blood shot eyes,

not even his hair prickled with fear.

He spun the villainy like a mongrel,

and slashed it with his metallic sword.

A thunder roared---- a sign of triumph,

darkness ran away to hide

light came out of their veil and radiated

the red and barrenness were absorbed by earth

green slided over the earth to spread itself

chain was broken with a might

fear stopped laughing and guillotined

engine geared up and gone the stillness

and in the centre of all stood a

man with sword in his belt and

torch in his left arm with dignity in his

face shined the most.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What I Seek In Others

That's question you get from a psychiatrist...at least that's what I imagine. I know I seek realism(first thing),passion and boldness. Its seems to be these three qualities are scarce in this world full of fake, hidden behind a huge makeup.Why? Well I think its because scarce, you long,need more!Realism by what I meant was not pure innocence!! But whatever you do, do it for you and not for others. I know many creepy people actually try to fit in with others by being....not exactly them. When you're in facebook, have you seen those people with 1000 brothers and sisters...I'm sorry to say...they're the worst 'sister' or 'brother', Its not easy
to have friends who feels like sibling to us, and if somebody claims that to you,..that's BULLSHIT!! Come on...its random chat...after 4-5 conversations, the person's your sibling?? Those who call you 'bro' or 'sis'....they don't mean it, 100% fact! Whats with the people calling 'bro' or 'sis' in every sentence!
Take this conversation for instance(Its almost same what I have seen, I tell you I've seen worse!)
Guy 1: Hey bro
Guy 2:Whats up,bro?
Guy 1:Things going bad bro!
Guy 2:What happened brotha?
Guy 1:She ditched me,bro!
Guy 2:Hell with that Bitch,bro!
Guy 1:Totally, brotha!
Guy 2:Find another one already,bro!
Guy 1:Hell with that f*****g bitch,bro!
See,this to me a total gay talk who is trying to make themselves appear straight and affectionate and cool by squeezing in 'bitch' and 'fucking'! (no offence to homosexual people cause I don't mind people's sexuality!Its their right to what they want!) Well whats with astrix, can somebody care to explain to me? I don't get it, if you meant it ,why not well as write it...Is there some anti swear squad here?Hell No. People around me learned this word, next day...its only this..like 'Good fucking morning'...etc(Open mouth here!)
Swearing or not swearing is up to you! Please don't say it to impress others..cause that just makes you 'douche'! Truth clear as wine! See...its a curse maybe....mostly I meet this kind!!Whats real in it? A bunch of retards trying to show off by learning swear and saying wherever unnecessary!

Passion...oh please..I think Indian students mostly don't know this word or what it really means...I am a student and I know what people think here! Let me tell you a thing,my school nearly had 180 students my year! I am one of the 2 people who is not writing entrance tests for Engineering or Medicine!Tell me 178 students are interested in this? Oh I don't believe that! People actually think if they learn this course, voila, you got a job as if its custom made for you.Its parents to be blamed. They come up with this excuse 'first you learn this,after that you can go for what you like'...what is this??Back up degree and job??Where's the passion and love in it?I don't want to say more except Its your life and follow your heart!! Am passionate about what I want and am going to work for it.

Bold...its not being head over heels. Acting smarty smart with cops or parents or anyone with authority. That's not good. Bold means to me is accept who you are and what you are! Don't give a damn about what others would think! Let them think what they want. That ain't our problem.
Stand up to your enemies or friends(when needed like Longbottom!). World can be your ground!!

These are the qualities I seek in people and I would like to call it RBP!!Cheerios!
I may not be the perfect one with qualities...but I try to keep it at best!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Themes Mirror Us

What is our theme?Take for example my theme or we call 'background' in this blogger.What I chose is branch of a cherry blossom tree in the moonlight with a dark sky in the background.Very beautiful, isn't it? What I find this picture more intriguing is that this reflects who I am, at least who I want to be or what I am in my head. How? Well I love night and I find moonlight perfect and cherry blossoms are my favourite. You see the flowers in the moonlight, can be taken in a number of ways like for instance a woman who has different shades,carries over a mysterious aura who at the same time has a totally different 'outer' look . Dark sky well, I tell you one thing, we can openly say we are not always innocent in our thoughts or mind..always have darker mind..darker selves. See this is what I find in this picture and I love it. Kudos to the photographer who took it. Well..we take different themes in different phases of our life. I remember what my theme was of when I was little, cartoons and fun and knowing things, learning the syllables of the world, how it is, what it is...I guess this theme is stuck with most of us, from here it changes...well mine I would say a white background...with dark line doodled here and there..never used a drug, liquor (no I am not a geek, this place is different what we see the rest of the world and its bad for your health too and yes, it doesn't make you cool either...!) I can't think of what my theme would be..I don't want to picture too cause what's the fun of that?
This thoughts mostly come up when I travel in a public transport, you don't know who you are sitting next to, where they going, why they are going, how they would or will be at my age.What was their theme? Believe me,it comes in handy if you're travelling long. One of things I like is observing, thinking it over in my head. Hours seems second. This all may stem from my quest for stories...a total different story...a different theme..Thinking others' makes me forget mine. What I like about Satyajit Ray..is what he said...if 300 people watch a movie, at the end of it 300 stories are made....300 different themes. So I believe what we are, how we take things is reflected in theme. Be it any form of theme in wedding,dance,party or any part of our life. Its what we are and what we want and what we are looking for and what we want to be perfect.